How Online Sales Funnels Work: From Mystery To Mastery In 5 Short Minutes

by | Sep 7, 2023 | Digital Courses, Money, Sales, Tech

In the world of business and sales, you may have heard the term “sales funnels” thrown around. You might know that you need one for your business, and you might have heard about tools like ClickFunnels. But do you really understand what a sales funnel is all about? Don’t worry, we’re here to break it down in a way that makes sense for everyone.

Tech Talk vs. Real World

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of sales funnels, let’s clear up something important. In the tech world, “funnels” often refer to a specific thing online, like websites and apps.

It’s a bit like saying “Google” when you mean all internet searches or calling any tissue “Kleenex,” even if it’s not really the Kleenex brand.

But today, we’re going to zoom out and look at sales funnels in a bigger way. We’ll talk about how they work in real life and how then dive into how that shows up in the tech world.

So, whether you’re into technology or just curious about how businesses can run more efficiently, you’re in for a treat.

Now that we’ve got that sorted, let’s explore what sales funnels are all about and why they’re so important!

What Exactly Is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is like a roadmap that businesses use to guide potential customers through the journey from first hearing about a product or service to actually buying it.

Imagine it as an upside-down pyramid with several stages:


At the top of the funnel, businesses work on getting as many people as possible to know about them. And they might use advertisements, social media, and word-of-mouth to spread the word.


As people become aware of a product, they might get interested and start exploring more. At this point, they might visit the company’s website, read blog posts, or subscribe to company newsletters.


In this stage, potential customers are seriously thinking about whether the product or service is the right fit for them. They might compare different options, read reviews, and gather more information.


Towards the bottom of the funnel, individuals have made up their minds and are ready to take action. This could mean making a purchase, signing up for a service, or requesting a quote.


This is where the actual transaction happens. People buy the product or service they’ve been considering.


The journey doesn’t end with a purchase. Businesses aim to keep customers coming back. They do this by providing excellent service, offering loyalty rewards, and maintaining a positive relationship.

Connecting to Online Funnels

Now, you might be wondering how these real-world sales funnels connect to the tech-savvy ones you’ve heard about.

Well, they’re related!

Think of online funnels as a high-tech version of what we’re talking about today.

It’s like taking the same ideas and using technology to make them work on the web.

Setting up an online funnel involves creating a website, making eye-catching ads, and crafting emails to keep people interested.

It’s all about guiding visitors through a journey on the internet, kind of like how stores lead you from window shopping to checking out at the cashier.

So, when you hear about setting up a funnel online, it’s like taking the concepts in this article and using technology to make them work on the web.

It’s a bit like turning a traditional board game into a cool video game – the same ideas but with a modern twist!

An online funnel can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be.

And it doesn’t have to take the buyer through the whole journey at once. For example, you might have come across an “opt-in funnel.”

This is where a business offers something free, like an ebook, in exchange for your email address.

You read about it, share your info, and then the system adds your contact info to their database and sends you the freebie.

Later, they might follow up with offers that match your interests.

Why Does It Matter?

Now, you might be asking yourself why sales funnels are such a big deal. Well, here are some important reasons:

Efficiency: Sales funnels help businesses focus their efforts on the right people at the right time, saving time and resources.

Informed Choices: They help businesses see what’s working well and what needs improvement in their sales strategy.

Customer-Centric: Tailoring messages to where customers are in the funnel provides a more personalized experience.

Higher Success Rate: Guiding potential customers through a structured journey increases the chances of them becoming paying customers.

Better Returns: A well-optimized sales funnel can lead to higher returns on investments in marketing and sales efforts.

A sales funnel is like a GPS for businesses, helping them navigate the path from attracting potential customers to making sales.

As you become more familiar with this concept, you’ll discover how it can boost the success of businesses and even make your own shopping experiences more enjoyable.

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Author: Gina Greene

Gina Greene is a highly sought-after wealth coach who specializes in helping ambitious entrepreneurs build businesses that create lifestyle freedom and multigenerational wealth.

Published and interviewed in many different places, she mentors her community of business owners, teaching them exactly how to build a hyper-profitable business by monetizing their intellectual property with a focus on digital courses and backend sales systems.